
Also booked for the event, the amazing voice of  Khamsina

Theatrical and bold, Khamsina’s work cannot be subjected to one genre alone. Her music takes you on a journey of sound, which is woven with dramatic and narrative elements often linked with mythology and fantasy.

Enigmatic melodies create suspense and storytelling. With the use of freestyle jazz, electronic, ancient tribal instruments, choral vocals, or simply acoustic piano, Khamsina’s work is always fresh, organic and prolific.

Khamsina is releasing her EP ‘Eleni’ on June 6th. .

“big voice and sense for the dramatic” Marc Burrows – The Guardian 2013

“She has world class talent and her music is exceptional.” Thumbs Up Theatre Toronto, 2013

“From swirling remix magic to pristine production. Khamsina is a songwriter, producer and vocalist all rolled into one incredibly talented being.” Chris Chadwick – Fresh On The Net

“Stevie’s music is both delicious and passionate, making me feel that I am being treated to a buffet of sound. While she clearly is influenced by Kate Bush’s rich, theatrical style and sensuality, Stevie isn’t afraid to go out on a limb with different styles, whether they be gothic, folk, dance, or jazz. Her lyrics range from mythological to earthy. While she’s skilled with electronica, her forté is her voice, which has shades of Kate Bush, Kate McGarrigle, and Joan Baez. Besides this, Stevie uses keys and synths to create whatever mood suits her, from the echoing, revolving world of “Zero Gravity” to the gothic, moody landscape of “Corridor Blue.” Linda Freemen – TIW Music Chicago

Khamsina Khamsina 2






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