Paranormal Investigation at Fort Brockhurst

The Littlehampton Fort is proud to be able to work in partnership with Dark Encounters and open a brand-new casebook on the impressive Fort Brockhurst in Gosport on the 11th May 20.00 – 02.00.

For years, it has dominated the road into Gosport, and myths and legends regarding what is hidden by the moat and embankments have overshadowed the history of this Palmerstone Fort.

This is your chance to explore by torchlight this stunning location and investigate the casements and tunnels to experience potential paranormal activity yourself. Led by experienced teams each vigil will set up experiments to document what may occur when this group of investigators become the first to investigate the paranormal activity of this Fort.

So if you have ever wondered what happens after dark hidden behind the impressive moat, and discover what former occupants may still patrol the casements – this is your historic chance to find out.

Tickets are £40 each for the evening, we only have 10 tickets for sale so please act immediately to secure yours!

For further details and to book your place, please email or text 07830 192195.

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