Hi all, I completely forgot that I had started these, and as i was looking through the website I cam across this section.
Well glad to say I have got the AGM out the way. This time of the year is always a mad rush to get things completed. AGM documents to prepare, accounts to be audited and of course my AGM speech lol. Well good to say all done and the AGM minutes are up on the website now under the reports section.
As we fast approach December, this tends to be a quieter one for the project, we tend to not do too much during this month. The main reasons are that usually people are far too busy running around trying to get ready for Xmas etc and sort out family plans, so this has become an annual break for us, well for the volunteers any way, still so much to crack on with for the management team.
I am pleased to welcome John Howard on to the Management Team and also into a major role as Treasurer. I have every confidence in John that he will do a good job for the team and the project. I am happy to see that Phil Brown is remaining in post as Secretary. He has done an amazing job during this year and I am sure this will continue next year too.
We have busy year ahead for the Project, we will be planning, outlining and applying for Heritage Lottery Funding for the project and also another area of the project which is very exciting, I am however at this stage not able to release too much info. As soon as this changes though I will give more details. We are not relying 100 % on heritage lottery for our funding sources and I know John will be looking into other areas for funding and support.
Anyway, just a quick blog for now, I think i will submit further blogs as we have developments. Oh one last thing before i sign off. A local man Wayne has been nice enough to come forward and volunteer his services to provide the project with drone footage and video in 4k. Keep an eye on the web site for further info and access to the great pictures he has done for us so far.